Wednesday 2 March 2016

Marinara Sauce is Generally used in Italian Cuisins

Italian food is without doubt one of the most popular cuisines across the world. Owing to its simplicity and easy to make dishes, Italian cuisine has risen from the ranks to take the food world by storm. Pizza and pasta rank among the world’s most-loved comfort foods in the modern age. One of the most basic recipes that serve as an important part of Italian cuisine is the tomato-based marinara sauce

From pizzas to pastas, and even gravy dishes with meats and vegetables, Italian cuisine has a whole host of recipes that are reliant upon marinara sauce for a base. With an origin dating back to the mid-16th century, every Italian home has its own version of this flavourful sauce, each boasted to be the best marinara sauce with its slight variations and additions like capers, olives and even red wine, and which is passed down the generations as a family secret.  

While a marinara sauce can be made at home with a handful of ingredients, it is difficult to replicate the flavours that are to be found in authentic Italian Recipes. It is here that Veeba’s Marinara Pizza and Pasta sauce comes to your rescue. Unlike some of the other store-bought sauces, Spread it over a pizza base and top with sliced tomatoes, as much cheese as you like and some oregano, bake for a few minutes, or simply toss it with some boiled pasta and voila! You can enjoy a dish made with the minimum of fuss that is delicious as well as healthy.      

Veeba Marinara Pizza and Pasta sauce is filled with nutrition and taste. It can be used not just for pizzas and pastas that everyone loves, but also for meatballs, particularly the famous and extremely popular meat ball sandwiches. Veeba’s Marinara sauce will not only save you time when you are short of it, but also get you compliments for your culinary skills when you serve up mouth-watering Italian dishes that will surely be loved by all. 

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